Sunday, July 14, 2013

Week 7: Top 10 Tech Tools I Can't Live Without

With this class I have discovered so many new programs. I have really enjoyed ED 505 and I am excited about using some of the new tech tools  in my class. Listed below are my top ten tech tools:

1. Social Media- Social Media sites such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are all great ways to keep in touch with family, friends and co-workers. Twitter is a great tool for keeping in touch and communicating with other educators.

2. Smartphones (iphone and Android) Allows you to have technology right at your fingers tips. With a smartphone you are able to access online websites, apps, social media sites etc.

3. Ipad  This is a must have for all educators. It has really come in handy for me while on the go. I have been able to post to my blog and twitter, check my email and so much more. I have also become familiar with educational apps that I can use on the ipad in the class. My school recently applied for a grant and if approved will allow us to have ipads for students. I plan to used some of the educational apps that I discovered this summer such as the NASA app and World Book.

4. Glogster-  This was my first time using glogster and I absolutely loved it! With glogster you can create an interactive poster which may include videos, hyperlinks etc. I plan on using glogster in my class. More and more students are tech savy now a days and I think that my students will be excited to use glogster vs. presenting a poster board.

5.Rubistar A great way to create a rubric.  There are many different subjects and categories to choose from. Makes creating a rubric very simple,

6.Diigolet  Allow you to bookmark and categorize your favorite websites.

7.Wiki Great way for a teacher  to create a interactive unit where students can complete assignments online.

8.Blog-  I plan to create a class blog this upcoming year. Blogs are a great way for me to communicate with students and parents. I plan to include newsletters, homework assignments and other other important information related to my class.

9.Khan Academy ( is a great website that can be used for students in grades K-12th. It included practice work for various subjects. I have used this site this summer with my daughter this summer and I am supper excited about using it in the class.

10. Pinterest I had heard of pinterest but I had never taken the time to check it out prior to taking this class. Pinterest is a great site for people to share their creative ideas. I have already ready pinned many things that I plan to use in the class. Great way to share ideas between educators.

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